Advice Corner

10 Reasons Why Your Relationships Aren’t Working


So you’ve practically been single for two years because everything else that you had in-between didn’t last longer than a month. Chances are you’re starting to think of what you’re doing wrong. Here’s a list that might shed some light:

1. You don’t know when to be quiet

Sometimes making your point is not everything. You need to know when to say certain things because not everything is worth saying.

2. You’re selfish

In a relationship you are going need to give of yourself quite a lot. If you are unwilling to do this, there is no way your relationships will last. No one wants to be with a person who thinks life is about them.

3. You tell everybody your business

It’s okay to look to your friends for help and advice but do they really need to know every single detail? Know when and what to keep to yourself. Most times people talk about the things you tell them. You can’t blame that on hate. You’re the one who put it out there.

4. You’re too judgmental

Stop shooting down guys and breaking up with guys because they are not good enough for you. Yes we’ve all had a list and fantasies of the perfect guy but if life isn’t perfect why would you expect anyone else to be?!

5. You’re too needy

Relationships are made stronger by affection not smothering. It’s okay to call him when you’ve had a bad day but don’t overdo it. Guys love girls who have a life.

6. You fail to communicate

The biggest part of a relationship is made up of communication.

7. Trust issues

Just because your ex was unfaithful means your next will be the same. People are different and with each of person comes different experiences. Leave your past issues in the past. If they are that big, talk to someone about them and get over it.

8. Unwilling to compromise

Because a relationship requires the input of two people, you will end up having to compromise. For the relationship to be balanced and to be on the on the same level, you need to have the same train of thought regarding the relationship. Therefore compromise.

9. You’re pessimistic

Whether you think you can or you can’t, your right. If your mentality and attitude towards relationships is wrong, you will have nothing but wrong relationships. With every guy you date, start with an open mind.

10. Your network is not helpful

Be careful of the company you keep. Some friends are just there to break you down. With every guy you date they see something wrong and discourage you. People around influence your thinking and could kill the thought of a new relationship before it even happens.

Mbali Radebe


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