
10 Things Great People Think About Everyday

The only thing that separates great people from the ordinary is the difference in their mindsets. We are what and where we are in life because of what we have thought, because our actions are a reflection of our thoughts. It all starts in the mind, being positive in your thinking can turn you into an extraordinary person.


Here is some positive thinking you should apply in your everyday life to achieve greatness in whatever you do.

1.It’s not as bad as i thought
In bad situations they find themselves in, great people don’t dwell on what’s lost. They find a way to recognize the positive in it. Rather than complaining about what went wrong, always remember it could have been worse.

2. No one will do it, so i will
Great people take initiative; they don’t wait to be asked. If there is something that needs to be done, they will do it even if it’s not their responsibility.

3. One step at a time
People who have had long successful careers understand that it takes time to build something solid. They say “i can’t do it all today but i will do one step”. Patience and persistence is the key.

4. Know when to speak up
Most people think always having something to say means you are smart. Sometimes you don’t need to say something. Great people know when to stop talking.

5. I need help
Most successful people are humble enough to ask for help. They don’t let their pride get in the way, if you can’t do it on your own ask for help from the ones who can.

6. They need my help
Every chance you get, if someone needs help, help them. Great people understand that it doesn’t take anything away from them. They don’t have to ask you, you can just do it.

7. It’s not perfect but it’s okay
As long as you give it your best shot, let go. It might not be the best, the good thing is you acknowledge that, all you can do is let go and work on improving yourself.

8. I’ll try their way
You can’t keep using your ideas if they are not working. Why not do it their way if it works? Yes, it’s great to have your own way or path of doing things, but if it’s not working why not adopt what made someone successful?

9. I’ll step up
Great people look for what they lack and they work on it. The worst thing you can do is being in denial of your own situation. Own it then work on improving yourself.

10. I could have done better
Mistakes are common, you could’ve done better, stepped up or in, be more supportive, whatever it is, you can always improve. Take ownership, blame and responsibility and promise yourself tomorrow you will do better.

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