Masasa Mbangeni Celebrates Her Mother on International Nurses Day

Masasa Mbangeni Celebrates Her Mother on International Nurses Day. The 12th of May marks a very important date on the calendar. It is International Nurses Day, a day that is observed around the world on each year, to mark the contributions that nurses make to society.
The key theme for International Nurses Day 2022 is, Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health, focusing on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world.
It goes without saying that nurses play a very important role in our lives, hence they need to be celebrated, appreciated and protected at all costs. On this day those close to nurse have taken the initiative to show them that they are appreciated. Masasa Mbangeni, whose mom is a nurse led the way with a very beautiful message.
The award-winning actress and TV personality always celebrates her mother on International Nurses Day. She took us through the history of this day, which also marks Florence Nightingale’s birthday with a powerful message. Masasa thanked all the nurses, for being there for us from the moment we are born until our deaths. She also included a picture of her mother, who is doing a great job both as a mother and a nurse.
The International Council of Nurses came up with International Nurses Day in 1974, observed on the 12 May, the birthday of Florence Nightingale.
One day doesn’t seem enough but thank you to all the Nurses who welcome us when we enter the world & comfort us when we leave & help us heal in between. #internationalnursesday #mother #motherlove,” Masasa said.