Zimbabweans Get The Shock Of Their Lives: Turns Out Mugabe Ouster Was A Joke!

Zimbabweans Get The Shock Of Their Lives! Turns out the Mugabe ouster was nothing but a joke!. A campaign clearly not intending to revive any economy or improve the lives of Zimbabweans but a chance for current President Emmerson Munangagwa and his military cadres to get their hands on power. Not only is his latest cabinet disappointing but it is highly militarised which simply makes Zimbabwe officially a military state.
Almost everyone listed as a cabinet minister is 60 years and above and a war veteran. The two females only cabinet also outshines itself by appointing wait for it… a 69 year old for the role of youth minister. What is further disappointing about this development is that the majority of leaders in this cabinet come from failed ministries where corruption was widely reported and why they keep being recycled is nothing but shocking.
Many Zimbabweans took to social media to express their disappointment at the sitting president who many had faith and hope in to transform the economy but with examplary leadership clearly still absent in Zimbabwe, the only hope for a revived and new Zimbabwe now only lies with the elections and pretty much the opposition, MDC.
How Zimbabweans Reacted
Below is a listed summary of the new 22-member cabinet ministers:
- Patrick Chinamasa, as the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
- Obert Mpofu, as the Minister of Home Affairs and Culture
- Air Marshal Perrance Shiri, as Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement
- Dr Lazarus Dokora, as Minister of Primary and Secondary Education
- Dr David Parirenyatwa, as the Minister of Health and Child Care
- Kembo Mohadi, as the Minister of Defence, Security and War Veterans
- Ziyambi Ziyambi, as Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs
- Major General Sibusiso Moyo, as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Cde Kazembe Kazembe, as Minister of Sport, Arts and Recreation
- Dr Mike Bimha, as Minister of Industry, Commerce and Enterprise Development
- July Moyo, as Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing
- Sithembiso Nyoni, as Minister of Women and Youth Affairs;
- Professor Amon Murwira, as Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Development
- Supa Mandiwanzira, as Minister of Information Communication Technology and Cyber Security
- Professor Clever Nyathi, as Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
- Dr Joram Gumbo, as Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development
- Winston Chitando, as Minister of Mines and Mining Development
- Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, as Minister of Environment, Water and Climate
- Priscah Mupfumira, as Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry
- Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo, as Minister of Energy and Power Development
- Chris Mutsvangwa, as Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services and
- Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, as Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Monitoring Government Programmes