Celeb News

Arthur Mafokate’s Tears Fall In Deaf Ears

Arthur Mafokate’s Tears Fall In Deaf Ears. A couple of days ago, Arthur Mafokate made headlines as it was reported he was being investigated for fraud. He and his co-accused is alleged to be tangled up in the misappropriation of R56m in community development funds from the National Lotteries Commission.

The Special Investigating Unit, thus obtained a preservation order to freeze a plot, a farm and three luxury properties valued at R53m, one of which belongs to the music legend and businessman. Together with his co-accused, they are prohibited, and restrained from selling, disposing of, leasing, transferring, donating, or dealing in any manner whatsoever with respect to the immovable properties.

As they say, there are three sides to any story. There is your side, the other side, and the truth there in between. Like many other celebs like Terry Pheto, who have been accused of defrauding NLC, the Kwaito King has said his side of events.

Arthur attempted to do damage control by conducting an interview for a podcast, which is on his channel. The whole aim was to address the matter and setting the record straight. As the host asked him if the allegations are true, Arthur went all emotional and attempted to shed some tears.

The clip landed on social media, and instead of the masses feeling pity for Arthur, he was trolled to the filth. Social media users see this as nothing but acting. Other celebrities like Loyiso MacDonald, Penny Lebyane and Robert Marawa also feel Arthur was just acting for the camera.


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