Muvhango August 2023 Teasers

Here are the Muvhango August 2023 Teasers . See what to expect on Muvhango in the month of August 2023.
Coming up on Muvhango this August 2023:
Tuesday 1 August 2023
Episode 4393
Tenda remembers the accident despite Khumo’s attmepts to keep him blank. Rendani escalates her efforts to take the throne from Azwindini and threatens him with jail. Bubbles and Kgosi continue to connect and Vhutshilo sees an eminent relationship between them
Wednesday 2 August 2023
Episode 4394
Mulayo rejects Rendani’s case. Tenda and Ndiwa ask Mpho out on a date. Vhutshilo asks Kgosi if he’s really into Bubbles.
Thursday 3 August 2023
Episode 4395
Rendani ghosts the advice of Maine, and turns the screws hard on Vho-Masindi, isolating her and kicking her to the curb. Tenda struggles to accept his horrible past, but Mpho lays it on thick for him. Vhutshilo baits Bubbles, and warns Kgosi against taking her for a ride.
Friday 4 August 2023
Episode 4396
Lambani communicates with the royal family through Rendani. Gugu attacks Tenda. Kgosi breaks it off with Bubbles.
Monday 7 August 2023
Episode 4397
After a heartfelt apology, Rendani drops a bomb on the family. Mpho’s worst fear is confirmed. Bubbles proves that 24 hours is all that’s required to get over a heartache.
Tuesday 8 August 2023
Episode 4398
Rendani catches Vho-Makhadzi putting muthi in her food. Tenda’s apologies fall on deaf ears. He is thrown out. Bubbles ices Kgosi.
Wednesday 9 August 2023
Episode 4399
Hangwani offers her life in exchange for Rendani’s. Shaz unwittingly puts Tenda’s life in peril.Kgosi and Bubbles play the cat and mouse game.
Thursday 10 August 2023
Episode 4400
Everything that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong on Rendani’s day of inauguration. Tenda is rescued by one of his worst enemies. Two colleagues wakes up in bed together and vow to never let it happen again.
Friday 11 August 2023
Episode 4401
The matriarchs get to the royal house to find Rendani dead. Tenda and Mpho realise they don’t have Tenda’s meds. Bubbles reveals that Khumo and Paballo are more than just mother and stepson.
Monday 14 August 2023
Episode 4402
Tenda’s memory is back but hides it from Mpho. Rendani is exorcised from Lambani’s spirit. Bubbles and Kgosi connect.
Tuesday 15 August 2023
Episode 4403
Azwindini admits to Sergeant Neshehe that he is responsible for Naledzani’s death. Mpho and Tendamudzimu agree to make a fresh start in their marriage. Rendani learns that she may never be able to have children because of her injuries.
Wednesday 16 August 2023
Episode 4404
Tenda’s efforts to show that he is a changed man are embraced by Mpho, but rebuffed by James.
Rendani receives devastating news, while she reconciles with the Royal House. Bubbles suffocates Kgosi with romantic gestures.
Thursday 17 August 2023
Episode 4405
Rendani shuts Hangwani and everyone out. James almost catches Khumo and Paballo out once again.
Kgosi realizes Bubbles might have caught feelings.
Friday 18 August 2023
Episode 4406
Rendani decides to remain in Thathe. Khumo rejects Paballo’s marriage proposal. Bubbles runs away when Kgosi confesses that he loves her, making him feel like an idiot.
Monday 21 August 2023
Episode 4407
Rendani freaks out as her reputation in Thathe becomes tarnished. Paballo leaves Khumo, but she has to think of a way to get him back as she learns that Paballo has received his father’s money. Kgosi and Bubbles let fears choke what they have.
Tuesday 22 August 2023
Episode 4408
Vho-Makhadzi laments Susan’s stunt but Azwindini doesn’t mind Susan going back to her surname. They’ll never get back together anyway. Khumo tries to seduce Paballo in her sexy lingerie but he gives her the cold shoulder. Khumo pays Tenda a visit and she tells him she needs help. But will he go back to his ways?
Wednesday 23 August 2023
EpisodeS 4409
Shaz has a slip of the tongue which piques Vhutshilo’s curiosity. Tenda and Mpho are stunned to find an unexpected visitor at the door. Bubbles and Kgosi seal it with a kiss.
Thursday 24 August 2023
Episode 4410
Mpho convinces Tenda to lie about his sickness to Vho-Olivia, who sees right through their charade.
Khumo turns to desperate measures to get a slice of the Morake Estate. Kgosi and Bubbles makes their relationship official.
Friday 25 August 2023
Episode 4411
Tendamudzimu repeatedly fails to earn Vho-Olivia’s trust and respect, and she becomes determined to get rid of him. Khumo and Paballo get engaged. Azwindini wants to properly legalize his marriage to Lindelani.
Monday 28 August 2023
Episode 4412
Hell breaks loose when Mpho and Tenda are caught in a compromising position by Vho-Olivia.
Khumo and Paballo’s antics shock James. Everyone is scandalized when they realize what it really means. Meanwhile, Azwindini faces a revolt from Linde when she learns disturbing news. Vho-Masindi disapproves of Kgosi’s relationship with Bubbles.
Tuesday 29 August 2023
Episode 4413
Linde vows to deal with Tenda the best way she knows how. Khumo unwittingly reveals her reason to want to marry Paballo, leaving him conflicted. Tuwani walks in on Kgosi and Bubbles in a compromising position.
Wednesday 30 August 2023
Episode 4414
Tenda tells Mpho that they should re-think their relationship . Khumo brings back everything Paballo has ever bought her. Bubbles panics and disappears from work.
Thursday 31 August 2023
Episode 4415
Azwindini banishes Mpho from Thathe. Mpho chooses Tenda over her whole family. Kgosi and Bubbles are out of trouble with Tuwani.
Muvhango is on SABC2 Mondays to Fridays at 21h00.