
10 Ways To Increase Your Chances Of Getting A Job

10 Ways To Increase Your Chances Of Getting A Job. Being good at what you do may not necessarily guarantee you a job. In this economic climate there very well may be many people who can do your job as well or better than you, are more connected and experienced, and may even be willing to work for less money. How can you compete?

1. Get Busy on Social Media

Social media has a huge presence in the employment and recruitment sector. If you are savvy on social media platforms like LinkedIn with a strong profile, you will greatly increase your chances of landing a job or moving up the ranks at your current organization..

2. Keep Your CV Up-to-Date

Whenever you complete a training course or take on more responsibilities at your current role, add them to your resume. It can feel overwhelming to write up your whole resume from scratch, and you may forget certain key details. Better to simply add to your resume as your career progresses.

3. Brush Up on Your IT Skills

Even if you don’t work in IT, having IT skills will always give you an advantage. You can’t be expected to know all the different types of systems that prospective companies may use, but being sharp with general IT skills is an absolute must.

4. Believe in Yourself

Granted, we all need to be realistic and not set ourselves up for unnecessary falls. But we also need to believe in ourselves. If you have read the requirements for a position and think you are suited, go for it. Carry yourself with confidence and determination; your results will reflect this attitude.

5. Always Be Learning

If you have been working in the same job for a number of years, it’s likely you are not learning a lot of new skills or engaging in self-development on a regular basis.Schedule some time each day to learn something new.

6. Be Proactive

Those who are proactive and make things happen early get the jump on great opportunities. Don’t wait for employment opportunities to find you: look around and make inquiries. A proactive attitude can help promote a positive work ethic, and it shows employers that you are the kind of person that takes initiative.

7. Be Smart

First impressions are important, and looking sharp can only help. Dressing smart around your office will set you apart from others around you. Similarly, if you looking sharp when heading to an interview, you’ll likely leave a good impression in the interviewer’s mind.

8. Network

If there is an industry or profession you are interested in, start networking. This is easily done online by joining forums or groups dedicated to the industry. Start offering help to others, asking and answering questions, and making contact with people.

9. Speak The Language

It’s always been important to be able for business people to communicate with people of various ethnicities. But whereas in the past it was once the province of a single employee with special knowledge to make deals with companies on the opposite side of the globe, nowadays any single employee may be called upon to interface with someone of a vastly different background.

10. Attitude

Attitude is everything, positive things happen to positive people. Whether you’re speaking with potential employers on the phone, in person or just sending an email, you attitude, if positive will shine through. Having an attitude bright like a diamond will also set you apart from other candidates, ensuring your potential employers remember you.

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