5 Ways to Transfer Android Apps Between Phones Over Bluetooth

Imagine you’re in the middle of nowhere without any reception and want to get that GPS app that your friend is using on his mobile? Luckily, Google has made it easy to transfer apps from one Android phone to another via Bluetooth. This functionality actually allows for you to transfer paid apps too, although they will revert to the free / trial version as soon as you next run Google Play.
2. Search for an app called “APK Extractor.” This is a free, small-size application that you can download. Tap on the app when you find it.
4. Turn on your Bluetooth. If your device’s Bluetooth is switched off, it will ask you if want to turn it on. Tap on “Turn On” to enable the Bluetooth.
- Do the same for the receiving device.
- The sending Android device will now scan any nearby Bluetooth devices. Wait for the name of the receiving device to appear on the list.
5. Wait for the receiving device to accept the Bluetooth transfer. After the transfer’s done, open the APK file sent to install the application.