
10 Ways To Prepare For An Interview

The job search is a long and laborious process, but when things start happening, they seem to all happen at once. It is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making first impression. Use the following pointers to prepare for a job interview.

Prepare for an interview

1. Find out more about the interview

Employers use different kinds of interviews at different stages of the recruitment process. Contact the recruiter if you’re unsure who’ll be interviewing you, what form your interview will take or what tasks you’ll be given.

2. Anticipate potential questions and prepare answers accordingly

Interviews require much research and planning. Once you’ve established what to expect you’ll be able to prepare for the kinds of questions and scenarios you could experience during the interview. Consider how you’ll explain problematic aspects of your CV, such as leaving an employer

3. Practice

Nerves can often get in the way of good answers, so preparation is key. Brainstorm ten potential interview questions and practice answering them confidently and succinctly. Try to provide specific examples from past work experiences to support your answers.

4. Be calm and stay ahead

Contact your references, alerting them that you’ll be interviewing and that they may receive a call. Make sure your references’ details are correct and up to date with their full name, job title, company name and contact numbers.

5. Do more research

Fully understand the role that you’re applying for by revisiting the job description, identifying what skills, interests and experiences the employer is looking for;

6. Prepare questions to ask the interviewer

Interviewers will expect you to show a keen interest in their organisation, so use the research you’ve already done to think up at least three questions to ask about the employer and three questions about the job itself. You can write these down to take into the interview as a reminder.

7. Research the employer

read the organisation’s website, social media profiles and key literature (e.g. business plan, financial reports and corporate social responsibility strategy), ensuring that you’re prepared to share your views and ideas. Research the news, trends, competitors, history and opportunities of the organisation and its job sector

8. Review your CV and application form.

Print out a fresh copy of your CV or make a new copy of your application form to take with you, and organise any supporting information you’ll be taking with you.

9. Prepare the night before

Make sure you know how you should dress. Choose your outfit the night before, getting plenty of sleep and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption. Plan how to get to your interview and book your travel tickets in advance. Charge your mobile phone and leave yourself time to read through your application again carefully.

10. Plan your day

Plan your journey, aiming to arrive ten minutes early. Completing a ‘dry run’, if possible, also combats nerves. On the day, eat a good, healthy breakfast and avoid too much caffeine. Good first impressions count for a lot. Plan for your interview day in fine detail – it will help you relax and shows employers that you are organised and committed.



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