10 Tips To Help You Avoid Dropping Out Of University
10 Tips To Help You Avoid Dropping Out Of University. Everyone gets excited when they get enrolled to further their studies at any given university. Having said that though, sometims six months down the line it tends to get daunting. Too much work to do, you also have your personal life to think of, this has led to many students dropping out. Here are some tips to help you endure the 4 years of studying and come out victorious.
1. Plan Ahead
Many tertiary students are unable to complete their degrees because of poor planning. You need to consider your resources, your strengths as well as your weaknesses when you plan for your college life. Are you in the right path toward earning a university degree? Are you taking a course that fits your interests?
2. Avoid Unnecessary Debt
There are other ways to finance your college education other than getting into debts and private loans. Most private student loans have very high interest rates, and concerns over debt may cause you stress and anxiety.If you do not qualify for bursaries, ask your school for information regarding grants, scholarships and other financial aids that can help you finance your education.
3. Ask for Academic Help
When your studies become very demanding, check what resources your school offers. There may be some tutorial services in campus or resources online that can help you academically. Get involved in study groups or online networks that provide study aids.
4. Manage Your Time Wisely
Whether college is a full-time or part-time activity for you, you need to manage your time wisely. Plan your activities ahead not just for school but in other areas of your life. Consider letting go of some tasks that take much of your time but do not really contribute to your goals. If you are working part-time, arrange your work schedule so as to have enough time for your studies.
5. Socialize
Create your own network of friends who can support and motivate you when college life becomes too much. Do not isolate yourself. However, do not let too much of a social life interfere with your studies, either.
6. Family Engagement
Research consistently finds that family involvement has a direct, positive effect on children’s achievement and is the most accurate predictor of a student’s success in school. So involve your family in your learning.
7. Choose Safe Schools
A comprehensive violence prevention plan, including conflict resolution, must deal with potential violence as well as crisis management. Violence prevention means providing daily experiences at all grade levels that enhance positive social attitudes and effective interpersonal skills in all students.
8. After School Opportunities
Many schools provide after-school and summer enhancement programs that eliminate information loss and inspire interest in a variety of areas. Such experiences are especially important for students at risk of school failure.
9. Choose Your Friends Wisely
There is no doubt that there is a lot of peer pressure at tertiary institutions, students experience with a lot of things. You might find yourself following bad trends like too much clubbing, or doing things that can get you expelled. Remember, birds of the same feather flock together.
10. Make Learning Entertaining
Boredom and disengagement are two key reasons students stop attending class and wind up dropping out of school. One of the reasons for leaving school is that classes are not interesting.