Celeb News

Black Twitter Reacts To The End Of Pearl Thusi And Robert Marawa’s Relationship

Over the past months, there have been reports that the two are going through a rough patch. Although they have been private about their relationship those close to them revealed that they have been going through problems. Yesterday Robert Marawa revealed to his followers that they are officially over. Black Twitter though, couldn’t miss out on this one.

:I confirm the rumor and speculation that our relationship with Miss Pearl Thusi ended a few months ago.We continue 2 be good friends though.

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Whatchu mean “our” relationship with her? Who else was part of the relationship Roro? You can tell us, this is a safe place.

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Since u single u can join hashtag.

 Replying to Been asking myself why she’s been parting so hard like this the past couple of weeks…now I understand she’s single

Aybo who’s the current fiance now???

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And I was asking myself why she is not on Bonang’s case as always… turns out she has problems of her own….

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