Know-it-alls can be as exhausting as they are annoying. They know everything and have an answer to anything under the sun. They have a ready response to any question, doesn’t matter if it was asked to them or not.
Here are 10 Tell-Tale Signs You Are An Insufferable Know-It-All:
1. There is no conversation happening around you that you aren’t aware of!
2. Even if someone talks about something that you don’t know, you still have an opinion to add on.
3. You find it difficult to accept the fact that you sometimes go wrong with information.
4. What’s even more difficult, is for you admit that someone knows more than you do!
5. You are quite the ‘Notice Board’ for your colleagues and friends. You are the prima facie for every event.
6. You find it your moral responsibility to correct people’s vocab or grammar.
7. Your shoulders get a bit broader, every time your guess turns out to be right!
8. People try to be sarcastic with you but you take it as a compliment
9. You always have a lot people around you for advice and opinions. Because you are their Google.
10. You’re easily angered by others’ stupidity