Maps Maponyane Gushes Over An Old Family Picture

There is nothing that brings back old memories to live than an old picture. Media personality Maps Maponyane has just shared with his friends on social media an old picture of his father and his brother. His famous father Marks Maponyane on the photo is sporting classic Jerry curls and holding Maps’ big brother Kat.
The picture which is trending on social media is captioned, “Just found this photo of Big Poppa and Big Brother.” Maps found this picture at the right time as today is his big brother’s 33rd birthday. In wishing his brother a great day he had this to say, “To my brother, role model, the coolest person I know, and the one that’s ALWAYS had my back, Happy Birthday! I love you.”
Family is everything and we are glad the Maponyane’s take time to honor one another. Maps was one of the lucky people to be invited to Bonang’s epic party over the weekend, and maybe this coming weekend he might get down again should Kat throw a party.