Here’s How much Khanyi Mbau Spends On Her Skin – Lightening Addiction

Ever since the news of Media Personality broke that she use certain products to lighten her skin most people were left wondering of how much it would cost to look that ‘light’.
Social media users have been commenting negatively about her change of skin tone, instead of being discouraged the actress just looked much more lighter. Most people are left with questions of ‘how does she do it’ or ‘why’.
Mbau goes through a medical skin lightening called Glucatathione IV, not only is the name difficult to pronounce but the process is not as easy.
This IV is something that has to be ongoing since it is intended to fight the natural production of melanin in the body, it’s something you obliged to use regularly to keep your skin tone lighter. As we all aware every medicine we use comes with side effects.
This one can cause severe damage to internal organs such as kidney and cause a variety of infections. The benefit of the product is that it works all over the body.
The company Mbau goes to revealed the prices which read : a single dose of IV session starts at R950 , A double dose at R1500. Packages for 10 single doses at R14 000.