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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson To Run For President Of The United States In 2020

Dwayne Johnson, one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, has declared that running for President of the United States is not out of the question. Going so far as to say that it is a “real possibility.”

The wrestler-turned-actor, best known for his appearances in the Fast and the Furious franchise, made the comments during an interview with GQ in which he also criticised Donald Trump’s notorious travel ban.

Johnson, who has spoken previously about a possible career in politics, said that he began to consider the prospect of a presidential run after reading an article in the Washington Post that suggested him as a viable candidate.

“A year ago it started coming up more and more,” he said. “There was a real sense of earnestness, which made me go home and think, ‘Let me really rethink my answer and make sure I am giving an answer that is truthful and also respectful.’”

Johnson, who did not declare allegiances to either the Democrats or Republicans, said his campaign would be built on cooperation and inclusion.

“[If I didn’t agree with someone] on something, I wouldn’t shut them out. I would actually include them,” he said. “The first thing we’d do is we’d come and sit down and we’d talk about it. I [would] take responsibility for everyone. Especially when you disagree with me. If there’s a large number of people disagreeing, there might be something I’m not seeing, so let me see it. Let me understand it.”

Johnson was reluctant to criticise Trump, saying that it was “hard to categorise right now how I think he’s doing”. He did, however, condemn the administration’s attempt to ban entry to the US from several Muslim-majority countries.

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