5 Tips On How To Handle Being Jobless After Graduating
Most young people live in the idea that once they obtain their qualifications , jobs will come knocking at their door. Once they graduate reality hits them and they end up giving up or settling for less. For many college students, the next few months are going to be a whirlwind of emotions and to-do lists.
Graduation, the next milestone in life, is in May at many colleges and universities. Like other milestones in life, graduation can bring with it a lot of stress.
Here are the tips provided by successful people on how to handle being jobless after graduating.
1.Take up any opportunity that avails so to gain experience, limiting yourself to one thing might not help you reach your long term goals.
2. Find a mentor you admire and work with him/her as a way to assist your development as a professional.
3. Build a positive reputation, make right contacts and attend seminars or events , you never know who you going to bump into.
4. Be willing to come up with fresh ideas ,don’t be afraid to try out anything even if it’s not in your favour.
5. Be best friends with the internet.