Advice Corner

10 Steps To Achieving Your Dreams

Are you worried about your life and wondering where it’s heading? Once in a while, we all do find ourselves in this state. That burning desire that wants to be the best in life and achieve dreams is all there for a more defined purpose. While we do face challenges everyday, we try our best to look beyond for better prospects.

Achieving Your Dreams

Take the first step and follow these steps for a better outlook in life…

1. Have a Dream – Everything begins in the heart and mind. If you look at the most happy and successful people in life, they all had a dream. Martin Luther King in fact started his most famous speech telling everyone that he did. The late Former President Nelson Mandela was the only truly global hero of our age. A towering figure whose message of peace, forgiveness and understanding captured the ears of the world.

2. Believe in your dream – Yes, your dream needs to be big. Believing in your dream is essential to get the motivation you need to achieve it. You simply can’t fool your own heart. Deep down inside you know whether or not you can believe in your dream. Is the dream worth pursuing? Is it something that you want to pour your heart into?

3. Visualize your dream –  Visualizing is a way to train and stretch the mind to make room for the manifestation of our deepest desires. You can we use it to help make our dreams come true.

4. Share your dream – One reason many dreams never go anywhere is because the dreamer keeps it all to himself. It is a quiet dream that only lives inside of his mind. The one who wants to achieve their dream must tell that dream to many people. One reason: As we continually say it, we begin to believe it more and more.

5. Map out the path to your dreams – Even when we identify what we wish we could do and be, our dreams are just that—dreams—because they seem so far off. It’s hard to imagine them occurring in real life, but that’s not exactly true at all. Take out a piece of paper. Make two columns. In the left column, write down your dreams. In the right column, next to each dream, write down the one single thing you can do today to achieve that dream.

7. Work towards your dream – Everyone has dreams and that’s why you set goals—to work toward a more fulfilling life. But if all you do is dream and find yourself looking back at missed opportunities as you make the same goals repeatedly, you need to harness your dreams to a plan of attack. Try a different approach this year, that could make this the year you change the trajectory of your entire life. All you have to do is start working towards it.

8. Bite only what you can chew – Your dream may be big (it should be!) and that might make it seem overwhelming. But, like the saying says, “When eating an elephant take one bite at a time.” So take a small portion of it that you can handle. Think about something that you can do within one week, and then think about what you can do today. It could be as simple as calling a more experienced friend to ask some questions.

9. Have a very positive outlook –Life is a lot easier and more enjoyable when you have a positive mental attitude. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty

10. Live and enjoy your success- The wonderful thing about your success is that however much it is, you have earned it and you deserve it. So keep in mind, success is supposed to feel good at each step. Despite all the changes and surprises that it brings, success is supposed to feel good. It’s what you’ve worked for. Yet few of us are particularly well prepared for success.

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