
Here Are Few Home Remedies To Help You Get Rid Of Dry & Flaky Skin

As we are approaching winter, we all know that dry and flaky skin is likely to give us all problems. But worry not. Today we have decided to give you some few tips and advice on how to avoid dry skin. It is no secret that winter air sucks the life out of smooth and silk skin. Here are home remedies you can use for your skin:

  1. Milk

Milk has soothing properties that will help you get rid of dry and itchy skin. It also helps lighten your complexion. So soak your facecloth in cold milk then put it on your face. Afterwards, gently wash your face with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy twice a day

  1. Olive oil

Olive oil can soothe and condition dry skin all over your body. Apply the olive oil where you have dry skin and leave it up for few minutes then take a shower

  1. Honey

Honey will help you lock in moisture to make your skin extra soft and of cause smooth. Rub honey all over your body, before taking a bath though. Then wash it off after few minutes

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt will help soothe dry and itchy skin. Gently massage it into your face and take a shower afterwards

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