K.O’s Ex Sarah Langa Hits Back At Racist Comments

Model and fashion blogger, Sarah Langa-Mackay has been slammed for “thinking she is better and being a “hypocrite”. She has recently been involved in a Twitter rant about her problem with being racially categorized by people who she refer to as “people who know nothing about her”
“I don’t know where people get the right to be labeling other people black, white or colored. It’s non of your business boo! and anyway who cares? Sarah hit back on Twitter. She went on to say that according her, there is no category, but she refuses to let people who know her label her.
“I’m black, really? she asked of the followers who categorized her as a black person. She challenged people to tell her what race she was, but twitter challenged her argument and said that she has a problem with black people. Well it didn’t just end there, they went on to dig up Sarah’s tweets which prove that she has a problem with black people