Celeb News

Botched Shooting Outside Mara Louw’s House Left Her Traumatized

Television personality and actress Mara Louw is left shaken after a botched shooting which left her daughter’s girlfriend dead. The incident took place just outside Mara Louw’s house in Mzimhlophe, Soweto

Mara’s daughter and her boyfriend were chilling in his car when they heard gunshots. The iconic singer and actress said that the scene was out of a movie. “In my mind I was like ‘who is still playing with firecrackers this time’? But after the second and third shots, I realised that it was a gun” said Mara Louw

She went on to say that she immediately panicked and screamed for her daughter. “On my way to the gate I saw her come in” said Mara. She also added that her daughter’s boyfriends lost so much blood and died two days after the incident

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