10 Ways to Make Your Child Settle Well In Grade 1

10 Ways to Make Your Child Settle Well In Grade 1. This is a big day for many parents and their kids out there. Their bundles of joy are starting Grade 1 in big schools. It can be a very emotional moment filled with uncertainties and anxiousness. The following tips can help parents help their kids adjust to this big adjustment.
1. Make Sure Your Child is Ready for School
A child should go to sleep early, so that they are able to wake up in time for school. They should also eat a filling and nutritious breakfast before going to school. They should carry a lunchbox or money, so they are sorted during the break.
2. Teach Your Child How to Listen
Research shows that there is a definite decline in children’s attention spans and listening skills over the years. This is attributed not only to the fast and entertaining pace of television and computer games, but to the fact that many children today don’t have a lot of time to just sit around, listening and talking to family members. Whenever possible, try to build your child’s listening skills. Here are some strategies that will help:
3. Create a Homework Space
Once they start school, your child will start receiving homework and will need a dedicated space which is as free of distractions as possible. Create a homework routine with a specific time and sequence of activities to be followed and end with packing the school suitcase.
4. Pay Attention to Educational Activities
There are specific activities you can introduce or focus on doing with your children to prepare them for grade 1. This includes reading to them, teaching them popular songs or nursery rhymes, setting up regular play dates, taking them on outings where they can learn about the world around them and playing games that will sharpen their recognition of numbers, letters and colours.
5. Be Involved
When your child starts grade 1, make sure you are on the school app or any other communication mechanism is used at the school. This will help you know what is happening and you will not miss out on special days.
6. Spend Time In Your Child’s Classroom
Even if it’s only once a year, and you have to take a half-day off from work to do it. All children get a real thrill when they see their parent in their classroom. It sends a powerful message that you care about your child, and about her education.
7. Establish a Relationship With Their Teacher
This is the best thing that you can do for your child. Tell the teacher everything they might need to know about your child, in turn they will also be free to give you any update. Have the teacher’s number so that you can communicate as often as possible.
8. Support Your Child’s Teacher and the School Rules
Even if you don’t agree with them. It doesn’t do any child any good to hear her parents say that school is “a waste of time,” that school rules are “dumb,” or that what she’s learning is “stupid” or “useless.” Your child doesn’t have a choice about going to school, so she might as well feel good about where she’s spending her time. She’ll be more motivated to work hard and succeed if she thinks you think that what she’s doing is worthwhile.
9. Ask Your Child About School Everyday
Although it might not be easy to get an answer from your child, it’s still important to ask about school. This is because it teaches your child that school is important, and that you really are interested in her life. Ask about their activities, friends, other learners, teachers and anything tat might be of interest.
10. Encourage Responsibility and Independence
Both of these are essential to independent learning. And both will make it easier for your child to adjust to the demands of school, and get along with his teacher and classmates. So, whenever possible, let your child do things for himself and for others