Avoid Drinking And Driving: 4 Important Road Safety Rules

Road safety is primarily meant for the protection and security of all those who travel on roads. Driving speed is an important factor in road safety. Safety does not only affect the severity of a crash, but it is also related to the risk of being involved in a crash. Much is definitely being done to ensure that road safety is a priority for people, particularly people of South Africa and visitors. There is a high rate of traffic accidents, so it is important to drive defensively and exercise the cautions on the road

Less speeding tickets
Nobody likes paying speeding tickets. It is probably one of the most frustrating things on earth. Not only this, but also being constantly pulled out by the authorities. So when there is a speed limit and you conform to it, there will definitely be no speeding tickets to pay.
Buckle up and keep left
No matter how skilled or careful you are, something unexpected might happen to you or your vehicle. The faster you go the less time you are going to react. So speeding should be seen as a serious matter, not a routine offence most people commit every day. The bottom line is that drivers should conform to speed limits that are set on roads.
Keep to the speed limit
It is mainly believed that speed kills because the faster you go the more force your vehicle has and the less control you have. Basically speed directly increases the number of severity of accidents. People predominantly think that excessive speeding saves them much time, but it actually does not
Here is a typical example; if a driver maybe hits a child at 40km/h, there is a possibility that the child will live. However, if you increase your speed to 70km/h, chances are that the child will die. So a person must keep to the speed limit and never put themselves in a position where their speed kills or injures someone
Avoid alcohol and texting while driving
Alcohol, texting and speeding are a deadly combination; people are most likely to be involved in fatal accidents where speeding and alcohol are prevalent. Speed is a critical risk factor for road traffic injuries, so stay within the speed limit at all times. Speed kills and slow is safer.