Dept of Labour: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2017

Closing Date: 14 June 2016 at 16:00
Reference No: HR 4 / 16 / 05 / 105 HO
Amount: R 100 545 per annum
Prospective students who have successfully completed their Matriculation with a pass of 60% in Mathematics and Physical Science or currently busy with matriculation or completed their matric still at home or those who are already registered with Universities or University of Technologies wishing to further their studies with recognised higher learning instit utions in one of the following fields are requested to apply:
● Electrical Engineering (Heavy and Light current) ● Chemical Engineering ● Civil Engineering ● Mechanical Engineering ● Environmental Health Science. (Students with bursaries or other source of finance should not apply). ● Covering letter indicating your preferred field of study ● Certified copy of results from Universities or Universities of Technology for those students who are already registered with higher learning institutions ● Application form (Z83) ● Curriculum vitae ● Certified copy of Matriculation Certificate ● Certified copy of your ID Book.
Successful candidate will sign a contract with the Department of Labour which will be stipulating the terms and conditions.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted on form Z83. The fully completed and signed fo rm Z83 should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as recently certified copies of all qual ification(s) including a Senior Certificate and ID- document [Driver’s license where applicable]. Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of their Permanent Residence Permits to their applications.
Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be acco mpanied by an evaluation cert ificate from the South Afri can Qualification Authority (SAQA). Applicants who do not comply with the above-ment ioned requirements, as well as applications received late, will not be considered. The Department does not accept applications via fax or email. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered.
Correspondence will be limited to short- listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within eight (8) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that y our application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenshi p, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification). Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test.
All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical competency exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logi stics of which be communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will re commend candidates to attend generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of 12 months. The Department reserves the right not to make any appointment(s) to the above post. The successful candidate will be ex pected to sign a performance agreement.
The Department of Labour is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. The employment decision shall be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of the Department. It is the D epartment’s intention to promot e equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this post(s) with a c andidate whose transfer / promotion / appointment will promote representativity in line with the numerical targets as contained in our Employment Equity Plan.
Applications: Chief Director: Human Resources Management: Private Bag X 117, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at 215 Francis Baard Street.
For Attention: Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Head Office.
Enquiries: Mr Lucas Masango, Tel: (012) 309 4398