10 Uses of a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Your resume is the best marketing tool that you could have. You will create it and use it to differentiate yourself from your competition. A curriculum vitae is used primarily when applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions. It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants.
1. Job search
When seeking a job in South Africa, expect to submit a CV rather than a resume. A CV includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details. As with a resume, you may need different versions of a CV for different types of positions.
2. In house job promotion
The only time most people think about their resume is when they’re looking for a new opportunity with a different employer. But, that’s not the case. A winning resume can increase your odds of success when applying for an internal promotion.
3. Scholarship applications
CV or Curriculum Vitae and resume both are marketing documents and have similar purposes, in that they represent the applicant professionally and provide key and precised information about their education, experience and personal qualities. A relevant, well-written and neat resume could best assist in scholarship search funds. Ma
4. Conference/fellowship participation
Subheadings: Panels Organized, Papers Presented, Discussant. These entries will include: Name of paper, name of conference, date. Year (Year only) on left as noted above. Month and date-range of conference in the entry itself (ie, March 22-25). No extra words such as: “Paper title:” Future conferences SHOULD be listed here, if you have had a paper or panel officially accepted. The dates will be future dates, and as such they will be the first dates listed.
5. Consulting gigs/contracts
6. Political appointments
Political advisors are the image builder of a political party and a leader. They help political leaders in reaching out to the people and conveying their ideas to the masses. During the election period, these advisors plan and oversee campaigns. In addition, these professionals with knowledge of politics keep a track on the move of the opponents and use their major or minor mistakes for the advantage of the party or the political leader they are campaigning for.
7. Business start-up (as an appendix to business plan)
Your startup deserves a spot on your resume just like every other work and education experience. The way you choose to present it, like every other entry, will depend on your targeted industry, company and job.
9. Grant / funds applications
The funding you have attracted for your research and work is recognition of the value of your research and efforts. If applying for positions, institutions also like to see what kind of funding you can attract. As with the honors and recognitions, be forthcoming with what you have obtained in terms of grants, scholarships and funds.
10. Public speaking
Use your public speaking experience to your advantage. Many people outside academe do not realize the intense amount of work that goes into public speaking. Be sure that your resume makes clear that you have gained excellent public-speaking and organizational skills through your speaking. Use numbers to support your claims.