” I’m getting older and I’m getting closer to marriage and motherhood” – Hulisani Ravele

Hulisani Ravele recently took to Instagram to share details of a project she is currently working on that requires her to go back to her roots and she decided to take the opportunity to learn more about her culture. Hulisani says her journey will help her prepare for marriage and motherhood. The presenter has been dating actor and rapper Sipho “Psyfo” Ngwenya for years now, so maybe Hulisani is trying to tell us something. Are we hearing wedding bells?
“N1 North, en route hayani, my beautiful Venda! Term 1 school holidays at AFDA are shooting windows for our respective projects. A few weeks ago, I was approached by a group of 3rd Years to star in their documentary for what is called their “Experimental” project. I’ll be honest, they caught me offguard and I was hesitant at first.“
“The concept turned out to be something that was very close to my heart and something I had the intention of doing for myself, personally, some time soon.“
“I’m off to Venda to learn more about my culture, specifically about the role of woman in my culture and the various rites of passage one must pass through as a Venda girl -> woman. What are the cultural practices where woman are concerned in my culture? What do they represent? What are they all about? What is culturally expected of a Venda woman?“
“As I’m getting older, getting closer to marriage, getting closer to motherhood, I feel that I don’t have enough authentic knowledge about my culture and our practices.“
“Personally, I understand and respect that balance that one sometimes has to strike between culture and their modern day life. Some cultural practices do continue in our suburban and township homes, however, some of us don’t know the true origin of those practices and we’ve simplified (and in some cases oversimplified) or even ‘kasified’ or Westernized them. That’s the gap I want to fill in my mind and heart, for me and my legacy. Although I may not be able to go back in time and do certain things that I was meant to do according to my culture, I want to have the purest knowledge, in its entirety, so I can make informed decisions when it comes to my culture and I and my future children, more so my daughters.“
“I’m really excited about the next 4 days of shooting this documentary, the working title of which is ‘My Culture, My Conventions’. And to think this is a “school project” but for me it is so much more. Grateful to have been perfectly positioned to be at AFDA at this time, in this year, to meet these 3rd Years. #purpose #power #passion #inALLthings”