3 Helpful Tips for Job Hunting in the Digital Age

Although the business of hiring is still largely a manual process, employers are experimenting with increasingly sophisticated technology. Some companies are setting loose automated recruiters that crawl the web for the perfect hire, based on an algorithm. Others are asking job candidates to answer their first round of interview questions via video — perhaps not a huge ask for members of the YouTube generation.
Take a look at the following 3 tips that will help you find a job in the Digital Age:
1. Google Yourself
Employers are using the Internet and social media more than ever when screening candidates for jobs. If you’re applying for jobs, you have probably already googled yourself to see what your online presence looks like (if you haven’t, stop here and do this immediately!).
It’s not news that you should keep your online presence in check. If you don’t want a potential employer seeing every photo of your life since high school, you should keep your Facebook account private and/or use an alias.
2. Showcase Your Professional Social Media Profiles on Your Resume
Consider how you can use your internet presence to your advantage in your job hunt.
On your resume, highlight social media profiles that present you in a positive, professional light such as your LinkedIn profile, Twitter handle, and a professional blog if you have one. By doing this, you are showcasing your online presence to hiring managers in the best way possible.
Make sure to set up a customized public profile URL for your LinkedIn profile. This will look nice and neat on your resume, and it will make it easy for a hiring manager to access your profile.
3. Actively Use LinkedIn and Twitter in Your Job Search
• Take a look at your hiring manager’s profile. You may find out that you went to the same college (a great discussion topic for an interview), or that you have a common connection who may be able to put in a good word for you.
• Follow organizations and join networking groups on LinkedIn. Many organizations post job openings on LinkedIn, and you can keep in touch with like-minded individuals by joining groups. A good place to start? J
• Create a Twitter account already. Twitter isn’t just for teenagers or celebrities anymore. Most importantly, you can use it creatively in your job search .
• Follow the companies and organizations that you want to work for and engage with them. This will help you keep updated on what these organizations are working on, and will show that you are genuinely interested in their work. Many organizations also post job postings on Twitter.
• Tweet about your interests. Show potential employers that you are keeping updated on the latest news in your industry by tweeting about topics that are in your area of expertise.