Celeb News

DJ Tira and Gugu Kathi’s Son Officially A Teenager

DJ Tira and Gugu Kathi’s Son Officially A Teenager. They grow up fast, don’t they! Just the other day Chase Khathi was just a little boy, always following his father around. Now he is a whole teenager, who is paving his way in this life thing.

His parents DJ Tira and Gugu Kathi are well known personalities. Tira is a multi-award winning producer, musician and entrepreneur. Gugu on the other had is a reality show, and an award winning entrepreneur among other things. Their son King Chase, as he is known by fans is into go Karting, fashion and fast cars. He has also built a name for himself on social media with close to 20k followers on Instagram.

As he stepped into his teens, King Chase’s parents took to social media to celebrate him. Although the teens can be scary for parents, Gugu is embracing the phase very well. She has nothing but great wishes for her son.

Happy 13th birthday, @kiingchase1 This is such an exciting day as you officially step into your teenage years. I wanted to take a moment to tell you how incredibly proud I am of the amazing young man you’re becoming,” Gugu said.

As you enter your teenage years, I want you to know that this is a time for growth, discovery, and making unforgettable memories. I encourage you to continue pursuing your passions, exploring new interests, and challenging yourself to reach new heights. Whether it’s academics, sports, arts, or any other endeavor, always remember that I believe in you and your ability to succeed in whatever you set your mind to,” she added.

As for Tira, all he wants is for his son to be advised as he hits his teen year.

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