Department of Health Is Looking For Hospital Call Centre Agents.

REF NO: TDH/004/2016
DUTIES : Handling incoming and outgoing calls. Answer general enquiries. Keep record of private calls, receive messages and convey them appropriately to division. Updating of departmental telephone directory and distribution And transfer of telephone. Assist with costing of private telephone calls. Perform other tasks that may be delegated to you by the supervisor, work shifts, weekends and public holidays according to the duty roster. Adherence to Batho Pele Principles
SALARY : R132 399 per annum (plus benefits
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12.At least 2-3yars relevant experience. Telephone etiquette, good communication skills Interpersonal relations and computer literacy.
ENQUIRIES : Mr WB Chauke. Tel No (012) 354 7766
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form, certified copies of ID and Qualifications to be attached.
Applications can be submitted at Tshwane District Hospital: Private Bagx179 Pretoria 0001 or posted to: The HR Manager, Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x 179, Pretoria, 0001. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification