5 Ways to Communicate Confidence In An Interview

People who appear confident tend to enjoy greater success, because others see self-assured individuals as more trustworthy. If you exude low self-confidence, or a lack of self-belief, others may assume that you’re incompetent, untrustworthy or unreliable. If you’re particularly anxious, it may be challenging to appear confident; but there are signals that you can give to your own brain to let it know that it’s time to relax.
Here are five ways to communicate confidence in a interview……
1. Maintain eye contact
Don’t look away because you’re nervous; holding someone’s gaze communicates that you see them as an equal, and you’re comfortable speaking with them (even if it’s someone intimidating).
2. Sit up straight
Don’t slouch! Square your shoulders and lift your chin to show you’re engaged. If this is difficult, try leaning back slightly in your chair. Be careful with this, though; it’s important you don’t look like you’re relaxing!
3. Don’t fidget
Picking at your sweater, nail-biting, playing with jewellery—STOP IT! You’re putting your nerves on display.
4. Strike a pose
Power pose, that is. Take a minute to power pose in the bathroom if you can’t in the meeting itself; research says that doing these for a few minutes beforehand will make you feel more confident!
5. Speak slowly
Getting nervous and speeding up speech can sometimes go hand in hand. Try to pace yourself, and don’t try to say too much too fast. Rambling is a surefire giveaway that you’re no comfortable.