
5 Websites you can get your matric results from

Here is a list of 5 websites you can get your matric results from. Good luck!

South Africa

Western Cape

All results, except those for Western Cape, will go live on the department’s website . Western cape would be online from 14:00 on Wednesday on


Send an SMS to 35658
The SMS should consist of your ID number and student number.
The system verifies the ID number and the exam number; both numbers must have 13 digits in order to be accepted.
SMSs are charged at R1.00 per SMS, free SMSs do not apply.


Dial *120*35658#
Put in your ID number and exam number to register.
Once the results are available, you will get your results per subject.
USSD has a resume session function, where the system recognises the number the next time the user dials the string
The cost for USSD is 20 cents per 20 seconds.

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