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5 Things Men Secretly Love About Women

Few of us can claim to be fluent in the language of love. In truth, there’s a lot that gets lost in translation. But between worrying about what to wear and what to say, it may help to know there are several things you’re probably already doing that he secretly loves.


1. She’s Playful

Guys like a girl who laugh at their jokes, but isn’t mindless and isn’t always serious about everything. Just as we mentioned that men like a woman who can forgo nagging him about the dishes, they like a woman who can joke about the dishes too. Biting remarks and snappy comebacks are just the witty repartee to keep the spark between you in your relationship. And hey, isn’t laughter the best aphrodisiac?

2. She’s Spontaneous

One of the first things to go in a relationship is the spontaneity. You get stuck in your Friday night dinner dates and you lose that spark you had when you first started dating each other. Don’t lose it! Men love a woman who can do things spur-of-the-moment.

3. She’s Independent

Dating a driven, passionate woman? So hot. Babysitting a stage five clinger? Not so much. No man wants a girlfriend they have to reassuringly text, call or visit every five minutes. Give him his poker night with the boys. Let him go golfing on a weekend. Learn to give your guy his space — or he may break up with you to get it.

4. She’s Honest

If he can’t trust you — how can he ever see you as his girlfriend … and eventual spouse? Keep things open and honest in your relationship. A little white lie over flirty texts with an old guy friend from college can spiral out of control very quickly into a full-blown fight … and breakup.

5. When you get embarrassed

Let your guard down once and a while. Most often, you intimidate the shit out of guys. Give them a chance to see that you’re human you have flaws of your own. As an added bonus, if you do find yourself in an embarrassing situation whether it’s an accidental fart or your skirt tucked into your underwear, try to laugh it off. Sure he’ll probably be laughing too but he’ll be seriously turned on by the fact that you can roll with the punches.

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