Celeb News

Zodwa Opens A Police Case Against Her Ex Boyfriend and Here Is Why

Zodwa Opens A Police Case Against Her Ex Boyfriend and Here Is Why. Just like most celebs her love life has always been followed by drama. Zodwa Wa Bantu likes them young and fresh, but it always end in tears. A few months ago, the entertainer, confirmed that she and her boyfriend Vusi Buthelezi have ended their relationship.

It looks like this is going to be one scandalous breakup. Things started going sour after the break-in at her Durban house in April that saw robbers making away with items worth over R100 000. Although it has been three months since the breakup, Zodwa recently took to Instagram with claims that her ex Ben 10, used her name fraudulently to acquire an endorsement car from Audi and that the police are on his tail.

In the video clip, Zodwa claims Vusi used her name fraudulently to acquire an endorsement car from Audi and that the police are on the look out for him. She said she couldn’t believe that Vusi would hurt her as she bought him a R20 000 cellphone, an R18000 watch, expensive sneakers and Polo T-shirt when they were still lovers. From the look of things Vusi has moved on and posted a picture with his new woman.


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