Advantages And Disadvantages Of Waist Trainers

The most basic definition of waist training is the process of using a steel boned corset to modify your waist into an hourglass shape with semi-permanent results. Steel boned corsets are worn for many reasons and situations
Want to whittle your waist and immediately appear thinner and leaner.
Enter waist training: wearing a corset-like contraption (yes, like the ones from the 1500s) to cinch your core, hips, and back. The idea is to wear it for a certain amount of time every day, and eventually, your body “molds” itself into a slimmer figure.
If a waist trainer is too tight—which many of them appear to be, if recent celeb photos are any indication—it could cause discomfort, interfere with breathing, or contribute to heartburn
Medical experts are warning consumers about the dangers associated with using a waist trainer. Long term use of the product could cause permanent organ and nerve damage.
Waist trainers won’t have any lasting effect on waist size, shape, or appearance, Dr. Apovian says. They’ll make you look slimmer while you wear them, but you may have to put up with some discomfort—and maybe even some health risks—in return