Celeb News

Somizi On Boity’s Unpaid Spa Bill,” She Thought I Bought Her a Voucher To Go There. It Was a Misunderstanding Between Us”

Oooh, Boity is in trouble! All she has to do to fix everything is to just pay her unpaid bill. But then again, who needs to pay it? Well, it was reported that Boity Thulo went to Pyramid Day Spa a few weeks ago and skipped the part where she had to pay the bill. Sunday World reported that after a full service, worth more than R2 400, Thulo was asked by the beauticians for the bill, and she said her friend, SA Idols judge Somizi Mhlongo, would be paying on her behalf Boity and Somizi.

Boity and Somizi.

Apparently, Somizi was not aware that Boity was going to ask him to pay for the bill, as he only referred Boity to the Pyramid Day Spa.

 “She thought I bought her a voucher to go there. It was a misunderstanding between us. I am sure she will pay,” reported Sunday Sun. He added: “They have been trying in vain to get a hold of her. I also have been struggling to get hold of her. She might have changed her number or something. It’s unlike her.” Somizi said.

The people at the spa where confused when Boity left the place without paying her bill. According to the Sunday Sun papers, the spa says they will have to take Boity to the small claims court if she doesn’t pay.

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