Celeb News

Hugh Masekela Explains Why He Refuses To Take Photos With Women Wearing Weaves

He did give a reason alright, but unfortunately many people are still on his case. Hugh Masekela still maintains his dislike for women who wear weaves and regardless of all the judgements that keep coming his way, nothing will ever change. He prefers women without weaves and if you wear weaves hoping to score a pic with him, he will refuse to be photographed with you.


So recently following too many interrogations , the musician emphasised his dislike and gave many reasons…..

1. He doesn’t want to betray his African Heritage.

2. He says it would be hypocritical of me to appear in photos with people donning foreign wigs, chemically altered hairdos, and Asian, European and South American extensions.

3. Hugh says it is “painful” to sit back and watch high profile women happily wear weaves when it goes against their traditions.

“I do not wish to stop anybody from the choices they make or the cultures they want to serve themselves as fodder for. I am only begging not to be forced to join the dive of the lemmings or sheep over the cliff,” Masekela said.

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