Top 10 Rules Of Texting You Should Know

Since texting is one of the most common forms of communication now days, you might find it easy to fall prey to a few unwritten rules of texting. Texting can be a minefield sometimes, even though technology makes life so much easier. There are unwritten rules of texting. If you don’t know them you should read this article.
So, know how to text right with these 10 tips!
1. Don’t get paranoid
Didn’t get a reply right away? It’s okay. Chill out. Don’t keep texting until they respond. They’re probably busy. And if they’re not, maybe they just don’t feel like texting.
2. Acknowledge that the person might be busy
Of course, you generally shouldn’t text a person at 4 in the morning unless it’s your BFF, and even then, your BFF may want to kill you. However, also keep in mind the schedule of the specific person you’re texting.
3. Keep your texts brief. Don’t text a novel
This is one that I personally break all the time, but it just makes sense: if it’s taking you more than thirty seconds to text it, you probably just want to take care of it over the phone.
4. Avoid sarcasm
Unless the person knows you really well, sarcasm is best avoided via text. You can’t read the tone nearly as well, and you could end up getting into arguments or hurting someone’s feelings.
5. Avoid gettingdeep into conversation
If you wouldn’t talk to them about this issue in real life, don’t text it to them. This can apply with so many different situations. Everyone knows not to use texts to break up, or to communicate grave injuries. But you also shouldn’t try to get really deep into conversation with an acquaintance / stranger.
6. Be careful not to send to someone wrong
The worst thing about texting is that once you send it. You can never get it back. If you’d like to lose your job quickly and with little effort, texting “hey sexy I miss you ;)” to your boss instead of your significant other is a great method.
7. Test the person when you running late
If someone breaks rule number 4, don’t respond with just “k.” Unless you want to lose friends and alienate people. Or make them want to destroy their phone.
8. Be careful of how you respond
If someone breaks rule number 4, don’t respond with just “k.” Unless you want to lose friends and alienate people. Or make them want to destroy their phone.
9. Do not type in all caps
If you are really angry to the point where you feel like shouting, it’s probably a conversation that should be saved for another medium.
10. Do not text while you walking or driving
This is the biggest rule. Please. Please please, don’t do it.