Standard Bank Bursary Opportunities

Standard Bank Bursaries, connecting the brightest young Africans with the educational opportunities they need, we can secure real progress for them and for our continent. It’s how they shape and strengthen the next generation of African talent and African leaders
Preferred academic institutions/universities for our bursary opportunities are:
– University of Cape Town
– Wits University
– University of Pretoria
– Rhodes University
– University of KwaZulu-Natal
– Stellenbosch University
– University of Johannesburg.
Take a look below at the opportunities available and keep checking back for application details.
The Derek Cooper Africa Scholarship
Named after the former Standard Bank Group chairman, this unique educational funding opportunity is aimed at high-performing individuals from the African continent who are looking to pursue a Masters degree at select higher learning institutions in the United Kingdom.
All applicants are required to meet the application criteria for these institutions. Applications open in the last quarter of the year.
Enquiries can be directed to Kerry Vanslembrouck at [email protected]
Standard Bank Group Bursary
This scheme is targeted at school-leavers (matriculants or A level students) wishing to pursue an undergraduate degree in commerce, science, engineering or technology. Interested applicants must be registered with one of the following centres of excellence to qualify:
1. The Sumbandila Scholarship Trust,
2. Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy
3. The Star Schools
4. Maths Centre Incorporating Sciences
5. Promaths
6. Sci- Bono
7. Hammanskraal Project
8. Targeting talent Wits
10. Osizweni Education and Development Centre (OEDC)
11. Hulisani project
12. SSP
13. Kutlwanong centre for maths, science and technology Project
12. UCT The Schools Improvement Initiative (SII)
You can apply using one of the following options:
– Mail: Write a letter containing your name, surname and a valid postal address and postal code to: Standard Bank Bursary Programme, Studietrust, Private Bag X16, Braamfontein 2017
– Email: Send an email explicitly requesting a Standard Bank bursary application form, and containing your name, surname and a valid postal address and postal code to: [email protected]
– SMS: Sms the word STANDARD, your name, surname, postal address and postal code to 31022.
– Website application: Fill in an online application form on:
Standard Bank Group 150 Undergraduate Bursary
For well- rounded, undergraduate students with strong academic results that are entering their second or third year of studies in commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology at our preferred academic institutions.
Standard Bank Group 150 Postgraduate Bursary
For financially deserving and academically sound undergraduates wishing to pursue postgraduate studies in commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology at our preferred academic institutions.
Applications Open 15 July 2015- 30 September 2015.
Click Here to Apply NOW at StudieTrust