10 Most Difficult Interview Questions And Their Answers

Check below the 10 most difficult interview questions and their answers……
1. Tell me about yourself
Most interviewers use this question not only to gather information, but also to assess your poise, style of delivery and communication ability.
Don’t launch into a mini-speech about your childhood, schooling, hobbies, early career and personal likes and dislikes. Instead, briefly cite recent personal and professional work experiences that relate to the position you’re seeking and that support your credentials.
2. Why did you leave your previous employer?
The economy has pushed many talented professionals into the workforce, so don’t be ashamed to simply explain that you were a part of a downsizing. If you were fired for performance issues, it’s best to merely say you “parted ways” and refocus the discussion on how your skill set matches the current position.
3. Why are you leaving your present job?
If you currently have a job, focus on why you’re seeking greater opportunity, challenges or responsibility. If you’re transitioning to a new industry, discuss why you’re making the transition and tie it into the new job responsibilities
4. What are your greatness strengths ?
Briefly summarize your work experience and your strongest qualities and achievements that are directly related to the responsibilities of the job you are applying for. One proven approach is to include four specific skills that employers value highly: self-motivation, initiative, the ability to work in a team and a willingness to work long hours.
5. What is your weakness
et’s assume that you’re detail-oriented, a workaholic and that you neglect friends and family when working on important projects. You can turn these weaknesses around by saying that you’re very meticulous and remain involved in projects until you’ve ironed out all the problems, even if it means working after hours or on the weekend.
6. Why should I hire you
What sets you apart from others? Why should we hire you? (Match your education, your skills, and your previous work experience with the job description and mention that you already have some experience in that field. Then, demonstrate those skills with examples from your past.)
7. Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years
This question is often asked of recent college graduates, and the worst answer is to say that you want to be president of the company or have the interviewer’s position. Instead, talk about what motivates you especially what will motivate you on this job and what you hope to have accomplished.
8. How do you deal with challenges
(Explain them your failure and then, what you did to turn around this situation into success.) How do you react when you face a challenge? (The number one rule of solving a challenge is to stay calm and understand the root cause.)
9. How do you resolve problems?
Describe a time when you didn’t agree with others. What did you do? (You can say that you clarified the situation first and stated your reasons of disagreeing with others. Finally, explain how you achieved a group consensus.)
10. Do you have questions?
Don’t say “No”! Ask at least 3 questions.