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“I Don’t Think South Africa Is Good For My Development”- Says Ntsiki Mazwai

Poet and musician Ntsiki Mazwai is popularly known for being very outspoken and every time she adds her two cents to a conversation it always in most instances stimulate conversations around issues mostly sensitive and controversial. The rebel has also been known for stand offs with popular and sometimes prominent individuals on issues she feels are key and core to her belief system be it politically or socially. It’s fair to say that these stand offs tend to rub off some the wrong way, she however maintains that people misunderstand her.

Ntsiki Mazwai1

In earlier tweets Ntsiki recently complained about cyber-bullying everyday. Something attributed by the hate she constantly receives as a result of her outspoken nature.

Supposedly in reaction to the controversies and backlash , the outspoken Ntsiki Mazwai stated that she is faced with a serious predicament.  One to either delete her twitter account or leave South Africa.

Check out the tweet below….

Ntsiki and Pearl Beef

It seems that the recent twars and controversies  are begging to take a toll on the outspoken young lady? and all this bundled with the constantly bulling is prompting the poet to consider migrating.

Do you think Ntsiki Mazwai should deactivate her twitter account? and continue advocating issues that she stands for even if people disagree with her?


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