An Interview With Euphonik & Dj Kent On The First Anniversary Of Their Fashion Store ‘Debut’

Youth Village had a pleasure to speak to Euphonik and Dj Kent about the one year anniversary of their fashion store ‘Debut’. The store is situated in the heart of Johannesburg, in Braamfontein and attracts the young urban youth of South Africa. This interview touches more on their success so far, challenges they faced running the store and most importantly, their anniversary celebration plan.
YV: Your fashion store ’Debut’ has turned one year old. Congratulations!!! How are you planning to celebrate your anniversary?
We are celebrating our one-year anniversary by giving back to the community. We are running a campaign to collect new and used sneakers to donate to a selected orphanage in the area.
YV: Will you be collaborating with a specific organization to run the campaign?
We are working with Kicks For Charity to drive the sneaker campaign and will select a different orphanage every few months to donate the sneakers to.
YV: What prompted this idea?
The manager of our store, Siba came up with the sneaker drive and runs the Kicks For Charity campaign, which we loved and wanted to be a part of.1. You have the answer for this.
YV: So, how has your year of running the store been like?
It’s been very exciting for us. Retail is a new business venture for us and we’ve learnt so much over the course the year about business in general. Running a clothing store is definitely not easy but we are determined to succeed.
YV: Did you face any challenges along the way?
We faced plenty of challenges from finding the right space to have the store, to picking and choosing the correct shop fittings, to replenishing stock and dealing with staff and seasonal change. Its been a tough road but we’ve managed to stay afloat and are confident that the future is bright.
YV: What does it take to run a successful business?
It takes courage, patience and hard work. You really need to be hands on and treat it like a small child.
YV: Any advice to young people who ant to start their own businesses in the future?
Do as much research as you possibly can, educate yourself about the field, find and work with people who have the same goals and ambitions as you and never ever give up.
All the best to you guys…:)