You Can Now Shut Down Someone’s Phone By Sending Them A Simple SMS

This is a trending story at the moment and there’s so much interest surrounding it. Well, it turns out there’s a text message that you can send iPhone users that will shut down their phones.
This iPhone bug lets users shut down a phone by sending it a text message. The message includes Arabic and other non-Roman characters (However, this article does not specify the steps). It causes the recipient’s phone to restart and makes it difficult for them to open their Messages app.
If the message is received and opened on the lock screen, it’ll automatically reboot the user’s phone and deny access to the messaging app.
While it’s alarming to think that someone can attack your device this way, sending the message isn’t exactly destructive. Your phone doesn’t become inoperable, it just reboots. You can even open your messages again, as long as your prankster sends you another message (your enemies, of course, may not be so obliging).