Top 10 Things You Never Knew About A Relationship

We all love love but sometimes we never get it right. Why are we a victim of this? Well, relationships, whilst ultimately are brilliant, take work. If you think about it, we often get into relationships too many times but we don’t know what relationships entail.
Here are the five key facts you need to know about Relationships….
1. It takes years to really get to know someone. How long does it take someone to truly know you? It took you years to truly get to know your partner.
2. Relationships are nothing like what you see in romantic movies or read in books. The fact is that, love is not a fairytale.
3. You never know your soul mate right away. It will take time for you to find your compatible partner. You could date a lot of people before you find the one.
4. Great relationships are completely worth the effort. This without any doubt is very true. If something is worth it, you fight for it, right?
5. A relationship is like a living being; it needs love, care and needs to be nurtured in every aspect. These things do apply if you want a successful relationship.
6. There is no such thing as boredom in a relationship. We like to make excuses all the time. Boredom says more about you than it does about the thing that bores you. So think about doing things that excite you.
7. In spite of lots of bad relationships, a great relationship is possible. Yes, your past relationships have been a disaster but that doesn’t mean that all of your future relationships won’t work.
8. Love is not always about what the other person can do for you. If you are in it to get something out of it then you could be in for disappointment.
9. Being in love doesn’t automatically mean your relationship will be successful. As hush as it sounds, many people think all it takes for relationship to work out involves just love. It involves a lot of things…. ( see point no.5)
10. People choose to fall in and out of love. It’s your choice and you love who you love. So nothing just happens, it’s all up to you at end.