“I have no time for lies and rumours”- Says Zahara

Zahara went to set the record straight on facebook following rumor allegation saying the songstress has a drinking problem and is going through debt. Zahara found herself trending on Twitter after a Drum magazine report hit the streets last Friday.
Two weeks ago the songbird fiercely denied swirling rumours that she has a drinking problem and that her career was on the brink of failing as a result. The 26 year old dismissed reports that she’s “broke” and “addicted to the bottle”.
“As I said before I’m fine intact more than fine I left the bottles mouth months ago after finally getting better from depression of my brothers death. As for “thrown out of a flight to England” REALLY?!, ” Zahara wrote.
She told her fans not to believe everything they read. She also added that she has no time for “lies” and “rumours” as she’s busy working on the release of her third album.