Top 10 Ways To Dealing With Exam Stress

Exam stress affects nearly everyone. This is because there is a lot of pressure on people to succeed that exam stress is a big part of many peoples lives. If you want to put an end to this problem, you have come to the right. Take a look at the following ten methods to help you distress and relax to get that A!
1. Study, study and study!
The only way to pass a test is to study. The way to study is not to do all your studying at once. Do it in chunks of one-two hours with half hour brain numbing breaks in between.
2. Start studying weeks before the test
Set aside time that’s just for studying and nothing else. Study your whole way through a chunk, non-stop and then take a break and do something that has nothing to do with studying for a half and hour.
3. Make studying more fun
Memory is created by an active desire to remember. If you make it fun and interesting, you’re much likely to remember it. Make some flash cards, grab a sibling or a roommate and play your own version of jeopardy, or 20 questions, family feud, whatever it takes to remember.
4. Get a study-buddy
This is related to making studying more fun, if you’re laughing over someone’s theories with a group of friends from your class, or trying to pick out a logarithm with the help of your significant other, you’ll be having more fun and thus the memory will stick much easier causing less stress.
5. Take time to visualize
Your thoughts become things, if you believe it, it will happen. The night before your test, or in the shower the morning before take to time to visualize yourself doing well on the test. Picture yourself bent over the paper and knowing each of the answers, imagine the look on your mom’s face when you show her the “A”.
6. Sleep early the night before the test
It’s important for your mind to relax, go to bed early the night before the test. We recommend an hour earlier than you usually do. A good night’s sleep will help you focus better tomorrow.
7. Have breakfast the day of the test
It’s hard to concentrate when you’re hungry, also breakfast provides you with nutrients that will give you energy to keep your body and your brain active.
8. Reward yourself for your efforts
Make plans to get a movie and ice cream after the test. Don’t do it before the test as it might distract you, but let it be something you can look forward to after all the work you’ve done.
9. Brain drain before you begin
Ask for a blank piece of paper, or flip the exam paper over and write down all you can think of regarding what you studied on that subject. It might be key-words, theories, formulas you just know you might forget; this way you can use this brain drain as reference.
10. Relax and take a deep breath
It’s not the end of the world if you get a B. If you know that you are studying then you have been doing something right. So avoid panic and just relax you’ll do fine, Good luck!