10 Types Of Users We Always See On Twitter
We are sure that by now you have come across different types of people who use twitter ? Does this in any way confuse you? Well, we all use twitter for different purpose and it’s rather normal that in some way or another, we do fall in some type of category. The twitter category of course. We managed to put together 10 types of users that exist on twitter, so you could find yourself there!
1. The Funny Tweeter
You tweet funny jokes all the time. You drive is to make people laugh all the time.
2. Shade Thrower
You are the type that is always involved in other people’s business. You always want to throw shades at others.
3. Cool Tweeter
You are known, most people know your first name. People love seeing you on their timeline.
4. Chilled Tweeter
You are not the type who gets involved in drama. You are always minding your own business and chilled.
5. Male twitter honey
You usually flirt with many girls. You are the male version of a twitter honey.
6. The nameless twitter
You prefer to stay under cover. You just follow people and RT tweets.
7. Twitter musician
You only tweet about music. You get tagged and mentioned on tweets that are only about music.
8. Twitter honey
You are the Female twitter honey. You put a tweet and many guys retweet even if it’s nothing interesting.
9. The opinionated twitter
You always have a say. All the time, even when its not needed of you to do so.
10. Diva celebrity
You are well known and sometimes you think twitter revolves around you.