
10 Signs You Are Ready For A Relationship

To be truly ready for a relationship, you must be physically, emotionally, and socially prepared to give and receive love fully. No one has it all figured out but you need to know if a relationship is what you want or not. Take a look at the following points to find out if you are ready to jump into a relationship soon…

10 Signs You Are Ready For A Relationship

1. You are comfortable with yourself

There is no part of who you are that you are willing to hide or be ashamed of to please someone else, even if you’re really interested in them.

2. You know your own worth

There are real reasons why you are a catch, and that someone would be lucky to date. You know these reasons, embrace them, and know that it doesn’t make you cocky to be confident and happy with who you are.

3. You are complete

If you think you need to be in a relationship in order to be “complete,” you will always be looking for something you can never find. True fulfillment and satisfaction comes from within, and you cannot fully, effectively give yourself to someone until you’ve found it.

4. You are ready to commit

While a relationship cannot be your entire life, it does permeate its entirety. You become connected with their friends, families, hobbies, pets, living situations… and they become connected with yours.

5. You are happy alone

If you’re constantly searching for a relationship out of loneliness, you will find yourself with the first person who comes along that is interested in you. We all need to have the dignity and self-respect to only commit ourselves to those who deserve it, and the only way to be able to wait for that is to be happy before they come along.

6. You are not in a rush

You take your time getting to know someone, and make an effort to talk about the things that they are passionate about so that you can get to see them at their most engaged.

7. You know you are ready

You have a whole list of adventures that — in addition to the ones you’ve taken on by yourself or with friends — you can’t wait to do with your partner, once you have found each other.

8. You have no insecurities

Insecurities only make our relationships worse and our lives full of sadness and pity. You will always have those situations where arguments and problems blow up because of insecurities.   You need to evaluate why you want to be in a relationship and be sure that there are no “fix-its” on the list.

9. Your ex is no longer a factor

You are not still holding onto the remnants of an old relationship. even if that just means occasionally reading old messages because there is still a part of you that wishes you were back in that moment.

10. You know what you want from a relationship

There is a clear idea in your mind of the qualities you do and do not want in someone, and you have the conviction to say “no” to people with whom you know it won’t work out in the long term.

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