New Miss South Africa Crown Named “Enhle” Revealed

A prominent feature of the glittering masterpiece is the infinity sign to which is said to ‘symbolise the enormity and ongoing nature of Miss South Africa’s role’, not only during her year of reign but into the future. The crown’s three largest stones are sugilite (also called luvulite and sold as the stone of love) which are often associated with royalty thanks to their purple colour. These were mined near Hotazel in the Northern Cape.
The magnificent crown was created by Jack Friedman Jewellers. It has three large purple sugilite stones which were mined near Hotazel in the Northern Cape. The designer of the crown, Howard Friedman, said the other stones used in the crown were amethyst and white quartz crystals.
The twelve women who made it to the finals of the Miss South Africa beauty pageant are all ready for the big night. The organisers commissioned a new look this year and on March 19, a new crown, named Enhle, Zulu for “beauty”, will be placed on Miss South Africa’s head.
The pageant will be broadcast on M-Net and Mzansi Magic.