All Hope Is Not Lost For Dj Sbu…. He Continues To Rise Above Difficult Circumstances

There’s always light at the end of the tunnel and Dj Sbu is a perfect example to that. After a brick fell on him when all things fell apart , he still remains positive and determined. Well, the hustler got fired from Metro FM, the Forbes Magazine almost sued him and of recent, Nike and Unicef distanced themselves from him. And still he continues to rise above all the difficult circumstances.
We should admit that we were really blown away by the shocking news that he falsely misrepresented himself in his resume. If the news skipped you, better prepare yourself for a quick update….. Dj Sbu, whose real name is Sibusiso Leope lied about being an ambassador for Unicef and Nike. The 37 year old radio Dj claimed that he was an ambassador for sport clothing brand Nike and the international children’s rights organization Unicef.
We know that Dj Sbu is really proud of his energy drink ‘MoFaya’ but promoting it has cost him a lot. But all hope is not lost for Dj Sbu as he stays positive.
Loyal fans are always the best! They “got” your back Sbu….
The support he gets daily, is somewhat more than enough to just keep him going. No matter what Dj Sbu is going through, people still respect him for his hustling character. So if you think you are having a bad time in your life, think again! We think it is safe to say this, “Dj Sbu is a hustler for life!'”.