AKA Bonds With His Unborn Baby…….

It’s true that the relationship between father and child is a unique and special one. Seeing as AKA is expecting his first baby with Dj Zinhle, it’s not surprising that rapper would want to spend more time bonding with his unborn baby.
AKA is proving everyday that he will make a great father and we are super impressed. He might appear to you as the insensitive type but we clearly see that he has a soft spot towards his loved ones. That explains the ever glowing Dj Zinhle, she is one beautiful pregnant lady.
It seems like the due date is very soon for the baby to arrive and we are waiting like vultures to just see the beautiful couple playing mama and daddy.
Just today, Dj Zinhle shared a beautiful image that showed AKA connecting with the baby.
Look at that now…..It’s just too beautiful…. (teary)