
Top 10 Most Hilarious Social Media Texts Breakups

Breaking up through texting or social networks may seem easy but we all know that it comes with all the embarrassment. We’ve all experienced a break up one way or another and just imagine how it felt when it happen especially in public on social media. We have seen all different kinds of social network break-ups but there have been those that have made us laugh our lungs out like there’s no tomorrow.

breaking up

Check out the following Most Hilarious Breakup texts we’ve never seen before.

1. The status change.

The status change.

2. The false alarm

The false alarm.

3. Nothing else matters than the xbox


4. No limits!

be with his wife

5. Changes the status.


6. Too sexy for you.

too sexy

7. Ouch!

someone like you

8. It was already over!

we are over

9. The big question.


10. Smarty pants ……


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